your baby’s ideal sleep schedule

Trying to figure out your baby’s nap schedule can sometimes feel like you’re back in high school algebra! You’re jotting down sleep times, making sure to catch your baby at the first yawn, and always testing out different awake times to see which one works best. Sound familiar?

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Nap schedules can be confusing! But before we jump into what an ideal schedule looks like at each age, let’s discuss when it’s time to introduce a new daily routine.

When To Get Your Baby On A Sleep Schedule

In the newborn days, sleep can be erratic. Naps are not quite consistent just yet, night feedings are still a part of the equation, and baby isn’t quite ready to learn how to self-soothe yet. So while a set clock schedule may be what you’re craving in the first three months of your little one’s life, it’s not the goal!

In fact, the first 5-6 months of baby’s life are less about a strict schedule, and much more about a daily routine you can all rely on day in and day out. The right routine will not only prevent overtiredness, but it will also set your little one up for success come the 4 month mark when they are ready to learn how to settle themselves into sleep!

So the first 5 months are all about wake times, versus specific times on the clock. Starting around 16 weeks, we can teach baby how to consistently extend naps to 1-2 hours long, but it doesn’t mean that a short nap is not going to sneak it’s way in every so often. Furthermore, while your baby may start sleeping through the night at this age, many little ones still require a feed overnight. All this to say, we have to be a little flexible with the clock, and instead focus on the time it takes for your baby to build up enough sleep pressure to need to go back to sleep again.

So when is it time for a set clock schedule? 6 months here we come! Around 6 months is when naps become extremely consistent. We’re talking two, 1-2 hour naps per day, every day. Not to mention that this is when most babies are ready to drop all night feeds and really start consolidating night sleep to 11-12 hours on their own. Which means that their schedule can become much more predictable.

What’s the Best Baby Sleep Schedule?

From 0-3 months, newborns can only handle about 45-90 minutes of awake time before they need to go back to sleep. When your new babe wakes up in the morning, you’ll spend 45-90 minutes feeding, playing, doing tummy time, etc. and then it will be time for sleep again! You’ll repeat this routine all day long until bedtime around 8-9:30pm.

Once baby hits 4-5 months, they are able to stay awake a little longer in between naps closer to 2-2.25 hours. Most little ones need a shorter wake time in the morning around 90 minutes to 2 hours and then this slowly increases throughout the day. At this age, babies need about 3-4 naps per day, and bedtime moves back to the 6-8pm time so that they are set up for an 11-12 hour night (which can include feeds if baby still needs them overnight)!

Finally, once baby hits 6 months, sleep gets a lot more consistent. Between 6-12 months, babies are now capable of about 2.5-4 hours of awake time between each nap and bedtime, and are on a 2 nap schedule, which allows you to pay more attention to the clock instead of jotting down exactly when baby fell asleep, when they woke up, and how much awake time they’ve had.

Ready for Your Baby’s Ideal Schedule?

I’ve worked with many little ones over the years and have found that while wake times and schedules may vary from baby to baby, most of my clients have found success with the same average daily routine at each age. Ready to find out exactly what the ideal nap schedule is for your baby and set you and them up for success come sleep times?

Click here to jump into my FREE Schedule Generator, take the quiz, and find out exactly what time nap is, when you should lay them down for bedtime, and what an ideal morning wake-up time looks like for your little one!

If You’re Still Experiencing Short Naps & Inconsistent Nights

Let’s chat! Remember, which a schedule can help make your days and nights more predictable, it’s only one piece of the puzzle! If even after implementing the perfect nap schedule you’re still seeing short naps (I’m talking less than one hour), inconsistent nights and/or multiple night wakings, let’s discuss one-on-one for FREE what a sleep solution looks like for YOUR family! Click here to head to my contact page to set up a free assessment call or email me at

Ready to jump right in with a program and make better sleep possible for your family asap? Head to my Digital Dream Program or let’s work together one-on-one through my Custom Consultation!

Stay Snoozin,



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